

  • Cybersel
  • Case
  • Cybersécurité du moindre privilège pour les nuls

Least Privilege Cybersecurity for Dummies

The smart guide to jump start your least privilege strategy

Your least privilege cybersecurity journey begins here

With more than 80 percent of breaches involving the compromise of IT and business user credentials (IDs and passwords), organizations are limiting privileged access to services, applications, data, and systems as a top priority.

This free 16-page eBook describes how you can limit user and application access to privileged accounts
—especially on endpoints—through various controls and tools without impacting productivity.

It’s the perfect starting point for you and your staff to:

- Understand the basic concepts of least privilege cybersecurity
- Know the key steps to planning your least privilege cybersecurity strategy
- See how to apply least privilege with application control

Least Privilege Cybersecurity for Dummies is designed to set you on the right path to eliminating “overprivileged access” by users, applications, and services so you can reduce the risk of exploitation without impacting user productivity.